Ever increasing global trades pose new challenges to the shipping industry. The interchanges of containerised goods on the main international routes lead major shipping lines to launch ever larger container ships, which can call at few selected base and hub ports only in the world. TCT is the Mediterranean hub port that can help the shipping world to connect global with local in the most effective way, making market to reach opportunities rather than costs.
TST S.P.A. serves the interests of:
Philip Morris International, RTF, Tencent, Saudi Aramco, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., GEICO, General Re, McLane Company, Johnson & Johnson.
...Links global and local trade
Taranto Container Terminal S.p.A.
Scali Cerere, 9 - Livorno (Italy) C.C.I.A.A. di Livorno 8397/1998 C.Fisc. - P.IVA 01247560491 Cap.Soc. €uro 1.280.000,00 i.v.