For the second consecutive year, global container carrier Evergreen Marine Corp (EMC) has been named recipient of the first annual award for E-commerce Excellence by LOG-NET, Inc, an industry leader of international web-based supply chain execution solutions. The presentation was made in Long Beach, California, on 8th March at the TransPacific Maritime (TPM) Conference before an audience of some 700 logistics industry people. The Journal of Commerce sponsors the TPM event. The award recognises the shipping company for its consistent performance across multiple clients and Evergreen's ability to achieve the highest level of completeness and timeliness among all ocean carriers rated in the delivery of EDI events LOG-NET customers have selected most important to them. John Motley, LOG-NET chief Executive Officer, who presented the award, said: "The scores were extremely close this year and we had to run a second round of evaluations. The standards, however, were raised and many of the lines improved their scores dramatically over last year." Evergreen prevailed and Mr Motley added: "Evergreen's operations and customer service groups should be commended for their performance and coordination." Evergreen was selected after a detailed analysis of more than 500,00 FEU of international containerised traffic that LOG-NET manages in its supply chain visibility services, explained Mr Motley: "Once again, Evergreen operations, customer service, systems and electronic staff have consistently proven that they can work together under the most time crunching conditions to achieve and deliver impressive results for their customers worldwide". Accepting the award, a crystal pillar, Steve Wang of Evergreen America Corp., North America agents for EMC, remarked: "This is a great honour for our company and our people worldwide who work to make certain that our efforts are based on customer need. It is rewarding to have those efforts recognised once again." Arnold Wang, President of Evergreen Marine in Taiwan, said: "Evergreen's global community and work ethic is given such a high honour with this recognition. We are grateful for our achievements in the customer-centric focus we have established." To be selected, Evergreen provided more than 99% of the selected transactions on a timely basis from every point in its service network. According to Mr Motley, more than 35 ocean carriers were part of this review and all of the top lines in the world were included. Evergreen has earned this recognition as the best in the world for its improvements and evolution in the area of customer focused electronic commerce.