ROME - A big technologic eye to observe all that comes in 550 square kilometers of Italian sea. It is the new operative central of the Harbour Master's offices and Coastguard, inaugurated by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructures and Transportation Mr Mario Tassone and by the Harbour master's offices Commander. The central is located inside the ministry of Infrastructures at Eur, in Rome, and it is linked 24 hours a day with the 13 Italian Maritime head offices, in their turn connected with the 50 seats of the Harbour Master's offices strewn in the territory. "The Central - the Admiral Mr Sicurezza said - is born with a more noble aim: to save life in the sea and to observe what happens in every moment in the Italian seas". A particularly hard work is when you have to do with clandestine immigrates that in this period of the year arrives in thousands at the Italian coasts. the Admiral Mr Sicurezza said that when they see them they have the moral duty of take and save them. From January up to now 4.851 immigrants have been rescued by the Harbour Master's offices, 82 the intercepted boats, 55 those distrained and 4 of them arrested. Furthermore the big technologic eye of the central is able to check in real time the movements of all the fishing boats flying the Italian flag in our seas and to constantly monitor the environmental security and the commercial traffic thanks to sophisticated software and to satellite systems. From the central is also possible to understand if possible terrorists have changed the course of a vessel over 1.600 tons: an acoustic alarm starts up in case of problems on a vessel. The commander of the vessel can only push a button so to inform the central about the alarm and the screens of the central will appear in real time the route of the vessel so to intervene in a short time.