During a visit in Puglia to know Italian infrastructure’ s problems afflicting the ports, the Minister of Infrastructure – Tommaso Casillo - said to the newspapermen that the election of the new President of Port Authority of Taranto will occur soon after the Finance Act approval, and that the Port of Taranto will consolidate its position of first level hub.
The Minister also said that the infrastructures works are necessary to guarantee the development of ports; for this reason in January of next year it will start the works to build a linking stretch to link the state road 106 with tollgate North Taranto (A14).
About dredging matter, the Minister agrees with the intention of Italian Government to conform the draughts to the necessities, protecting the environment. If the Parliament will confirm this address, the dredging and relevant drainage will start at the same time.
During the press conference there was also the President of Taranto entrepreneurs – Luigi Sportelli. He hops that the Government will designate as soon as the President of Taranto Port Authority, because the entrepreneurs have difficulty to invest.
TCT increase (more than 30,60% in first 8 months of this year with 643.636 teus) is a record compared with the national average. In spite of the stop in November (- 13,31%), TCT hops to achieve the 900.000 teus thanks to a trade agreement and a courageous choice: TCT will dredge the Terminal’s depth without the intervention of Port Authority.
Thanks to the dredging works, TCT is the first one among the ports in Italy that can receive the container ships with a capacity of more than 8.000 teus.
In the meantime, following up Provincia’s (local government) denunciation, the GdF sequestrated the mud-tub where the muds were deposited.
The Provincia asserts that the mud mast be got off within one year by their removal, instead TCT asserts that this work can be made in three years because the mud are not contaminated.
The Ports of Cagliari, Gioia Tauro and Taranto join their power in order to be more important in the Mediterranean. In fact the agreement with the three Provincia has the aim to attract a lot of container ships between Suez Canal and Straits of Gibraltar.
In a short time, a technical panel will enter upon and within six months will present to Government a development project